links that were good to me and might be good to you

coming from Instagram?  

"Why can't we sleep?" link

"New SARS-CoV-2 variants: How can vaccines be adapted?" link

"A Simple Breakdown of the Ingredients in the COVID Vaccines" link

"A Battle Between the Two Souls of America" link
"The Rush" link
“I’ll Write My Way Out” link

 "20 years" link
“ASU News Co/Lab class” link

"Americans want churches open but aren’t attending when they are open" link

great reads.

"Moving towards an adult female profile of Autism/Asperger Syndrome" link

"Focus on Autism must broaden to include non-binary genders" link

"Same-Sex Attraction, Celibacy, and Jackie Hill Perry" link

"The biggest autism advocacy group is still failing too many autistic people" link 

great watches.

 Angel & Nicole YouTube Channel link

"The Gay Agenda" link

Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell link


great sites + blogs.

The Thing She Needed Blog link 

Andre Henry Blog link
