queerness, christianity, a blessing for the young ones
07/13/2020 i like thinking about things a lot, so i figure i should try writing them down again. being queer is a beautiful experience. through the last 15ish months that i've been out to myself i can tell a huge difference in my embodiment. by that i mean my level of connection, conversation with, and peace with my body. embodiment isn't necessarily body positivity, but it can include such. i grew up in evangelical church so i remember always being mentally aware of my body as an object to be covered appropriately and treated as the source of our sin ("flesh" in most of our translations of paul these days). but despite the teachings of i was never really taught anything specific about homosexuality/queerness/gender and if i had i think i would've probably come out to myself sooner. this experience led to a very strong dissociation from my body most of my life and i kind of just let my body carry me around from place to place. i felt chronic pain, but tha...