sit in tension; hold things loosely. I know who I am.
I am sitting on the floor of our not quite empty living room. we are in transition. selling off and donating our belongings, packing up the rest. there is much to be done in the next five days. it seems to not be the time to consider these things that dance in my head, but I suppose that it's as good a time as any. I have been thinking about my queerness. I suppose it might be especially good time to be thinking about this. See, we are packing up our life possessions and memories to move back to our home state. and this state contain countless friends and family members - people whom I was not out to before heading to this beautiful, magical, terribly lonely state of Seattle. we've missed a lot of opportunities here in Seattle to build community, simply due to the fact of a global virus threatening the lives of us and all those we love; we wished we'd had more time. I have been thinking about my queerness. see, I was hardly out to myself before leaving my home state...